
Number Snake Competition Ksh 2000 Giveaway

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Fact: Lemons float, but limes sink

  Because limes are denser than lemons, they drop to the bottom of a glass, while lemons float at the top. Out of all these random fun facts, this one’s been in front of our faces (or rather, in our glasses) this whole time! 

Fact: Japan has one vending machine for every 40 people

  Japan is thought to have one of the highest densities of vending machines in the world, with one for every 40 people in the country. While most sell various types of beverages, others feature ice cream, noodles, and disposable cameras.

Fact: The first person processed at Ellis Island was a 15-year-old girl from Ireland

  On January 1, 1892, Annie Moore was the first passenger to disembark at Ellis Island on its opening day. She had traveled to the United States with her two younger brothers aboard the SS Nevada after departing from Queenstown, Ireland (now known as Cobh). Another  amazing fact ? The busiest day at Ellis Island was April 17, 1907.

Fact: People once ate arsenic to improve their skin

You’ve probably heard about how a lot of the Victorians’ favorite cosmetics were riddled with arsenic, but it gets worse. There were also products on the market in the late 19th century, like Dr. James P. Campbell’s Safe Arsenic Complexion Wafers, that were meant to be eaten. They claimed to get rid of freckles, blackheads, and other “facial disfigurements.” Admit it: That’s one of the most interesting facts you’ve learned in a while.

Fact: It takes a drop of water 90 days to travel the entire Mississippi River

  Spanning 2,340 miles, the Mississippi River is the third-largest watershed in the world. That’s one long stretch of water. So long, in fact, that it takes one drop of water approximately 90 days to travel its entire length.

Fact: The brand name Spam is a combination of “spice” and “ham”

  This is one of those interesting facts you probably thought you knew but actually didn’t. Contrary to American mythology,  Spam  is not an acronym for “Scientifically Processed Animal Matter” or “Shoulder of Pork and Ham,”  Eater  reports.